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How Old Do You Have to Be to Tan?
UK law states that persons under the age of 18 are prohibited from using UV tanning equipment or entering any rooms containing UV tanning equipment.


Why Use a Lotion?
Moisture is key to tanning and a UV lotion is designed to replace moisture lost during the tanning session. However, this is not it’s only function. Many lotions contain Tyrosine, an ingredient that stimulates the tanning process.

Other lotions contain cosmetic bronzers, or DHA (the main ingredient of fake tan). The new generation of lotions contain ingredients that refine and enhance the skin as well as ingredients that push the tanning process beyond the natural tanning plateau.


How Much Time Between Sessions?
The amount of time left between sessions varies depending on skin type and whether you are building or maintaining a tan. Our policy states that no more than one session can be used in any 24-hour period. The reason for this being that the tanning process takes 24 hours to complete and as such, this reduces the risk of over-exposure and maximises your tanning potential.


What to Wear, Bring, Tanning Time
What you wear on the bed is personal preference, most customers like to tan naked to avoid any tan lines, whereas some customers may wear a bikini. It's totally up to you – no one can see in your room!  You don’t need to bring anything to the tanning session apart from yourself


Are Sunbeds Good for Vitamin D?

Yes! There is a wealth of research citing responsible use of UV light as the best source of Vitamin D. All life on earth is in some way reliant on sunlight to thrive and humans are no different. Vitamin D is essential for development, maintenance and function of many systems in the human body as well as for the prevention of chronic illnesses and the promotion of health and well being.

Outdoor sunlight is in short supply in the northern hemisphere, we even joke about the lack of the British summertime! This in turn leads to an increased risk of Vitamin D deficiency. Using a responsible indoor tanning package is not only tailored to your skin type, it is an efficient use of time. A recent study stated that we would need to be in outdoor sunlight for 130 minutes in Autumn and Winter in order to produce this essential hormone!
Using a UV tanning bed regularly for a session length suited for your skin type is a great way to help promote and boost your Vitamin D levels.

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